Gaselle i 2023
Vi er glad for å for å være med i år også, og benytter anledningen til å rette en takk til våre kunder og ansatte
Vi er glad for å for å være med i år også, og benytter anledningen til å rette en takk til våre kunder og ansatte
We had a good 2022 and again made it to the Gaselle list of newspaper Dagens Næringsliv. There are some hard requirements to make it there, and it certainly would not have been possible without the trust and co-operation of our customers, which we highly appreciate. We are looking forward Read more…
Norwegian business newspaper Dagens Næringsliv does each year award the title Gazelle to companies in Norway that satisfy certain criteria with respect to economic growth and compliance with accounting standards. One out of several criteria is a doubling of the gross revenue. In CCG we have fulfilled these criteria in Read more…
Clarity Consulting is proud to announce that Karissa Tran has been nominated and elected to serve on the Norwegian-American Chamber of Commerce, Houston Chapter (NACC Houston) 2022 Board of Directors. Continuing to cultivate our involvement and relationship with NACC aligns with the firm’s strategic global growth plan. We are excited Read more…
Clarity Consulting will be celebrating the opening of our US office on December 1, 2021 at an event hosted by NACC and the Norwegian Consulate. The event will be held at the Norwegian Consulate Residence in Houston, Texas. Our US office opened in 2021 in Houston, Texas, USA; it is Read more…