Services we provide
Clarity’s services center around three overall business areas, Business Applications (ERP), BI (dwh, analytics and reporting) and Managed Services (Application Management and Test). We have solid experience from these areas, and certainly have a focus on growing going forward, both with respect to best practices and market movement. New technologies, methodologies, competencies and cost-benefit are dimensions we follow closely within these core business areas.
In Clarity we are not hesitant to combine expertise from the business areas to provide you the best possible results. If you want to automate work-processes in your organisation, you will most likely meet Clarity Consultants from all three areas when the project has kicked off. The same is true whenever we need to cross competencies between our internal organization, we are rigged to meet your need, wherever the approperiate consultant is located inside our organisation.
However we do believe knowledge and experience is best nurtured within a strong domain group, and thereby we evolve our core domain skills best by having people working with the same challenges co-operating closely on a daily basis, at the same time very much interacting with their colleagues from other domain areas.
Clarity’s consultants have experience working on-premise or on cloud platforms within all business areas, and project managers the same. We are accustomed to different technology platforms and different project methodologies being utilized in different projects. We believe that at the end of the day will benefit you the best possible way.